Retail Industrie agroalimentaire Logistique Hôtellerie Restauration Service et Cloud

Established the Ecological System Business Unit on January 1, 2020 in Response to the UN SDGs Global Call to Action

Established the Ecological System Business Unit on January 1, 2020 to Respond to the Global SDGs Calls to Action and to Strengthen Marketing Activities for Ecological Products

Responding to the recent calls to action for adopting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the growing impetus for environmental conservation, Teraoka Seiko Co. Ltd. (Headquarters: Ohta-ku, Tokyo, Japan / President Kosuke Yamamoto) established the Ecological System Business Unit on January 1, 2020 to develop and market our ecological products and services.

Teraoka Seiko provides new solutions centering on precision equipment for the four business fields of retail, food industry, logistics, and hospitality. In particular, our Wrapping & Environmental Business Unit has been selling ecologically oriented products, such as PET plastic bottle reverse vending machines, pure water vending machines, waste management systems, and ozone disinfection and deodorization systems to a number businesses and government administrations.

In recent years, the global call for companies and governments to take proactive measures toward realizing the SDGs has become prominent and has required an urgent response to increasing customer needs for environmental measures, such as zero waste, reduction in CO2 emissions, and resource recycling. In response to this, we have created an independent business unit separate from the Wrapping and Environmental Business Unit, consolidating environment-related business activities into the Ecological System Business Unit. This will provide a single entity that will speed up our response, reinforce the search for new customer needs, and work on even greater improvements in product development and services.

Teraoka Seiko recognizes that through our ecological system business solutions we can make a significant contribution to society and the environment, and will continue our efforts toward the realization of a sustainable society.
