Error rates of zero are in ready reach
Picking Solution
Picking is guided along the shortest path using instructions provided in real time by DIGI's IT-Matex III shipping/receiving management system. At the same time, quantity is verified using scales built into AI picking carts. This not only reduces delivery errors, but reduces staff workload.
Digitalization enables layout-free sorting
Digital Assortment Solution
Do you have trouble with distribution requirements that change daily, making it impossible to keep fixed layouts or to secure reserve space for sorting? DIGI's wireless digital sorting system helps by dramatically rationalizing sorting work.
When it comes to lot traceability, we've got your back.
Traceability of Material
Does managing raw material by lot and use-by dates give you headaches? At manufacturing facilities that require strict inventory management and traceability, consider introducing a networked management system based on DIGI's IT-Matex III and related devices.
EC lojistiği için yeni normal olan sevkiyat sırasında teslimat boyutunu otomatik olarak ölçer.
Giysi Perakendecileri için Nakliye Maliyeti Optimizasyonu Çözümü
Paket teslimat ücretlerindeki artışlar doğrudan ET lojistiğinde daha yüksek maliyetlere neden olmaktadır. Bu çözüm, paket boyutları genellikle büyük olan giyim perakendecileri için nakliye maliyetlerinin etkili bir şekilde azalmasını sağlar.