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Bilance waterproof

  • ds673ss


    DS-673SS is a convenient and reliable Waterproof Tabletop Weighing Scale. 
    Built with a stainless-steel housing that complies with IP68, this scale is totally waterproof and washable, making it the perfect choice for any environment. The bright LED display ensures accuracy and easy visibility, even in dark or underwater settings, and its low profile makes loading and unloading objects faster and easier.
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  • DS-990-WP01


    Grazie al suo alto grado di resistenza alla corrosione, DS-990 riesce a far fronte anche agli ambienti di pesatura più difficili.  
    - Acciaio inossidabile SUS316L usato nell’edilizia
    - Cella di carico in acciaio inossidabile sigillata ermeticamente
    - Alimentazione con batteria ricaricabile integrata e adattatore AC
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