Retail Industria Alimentaria Logística Hospitalidad Servicios y Nube

Envasadora para flow pack

  • w5600srx_WP01_01
  • pw100_WP01_01


    The PW-100 is a fully-automated high-speed vegetable flow wrapper that is especially suited for packing elongated and leafy vegetables. Advanced length-sensing technology ensures accurate and speedy packing. This product has a number of features that reduce packing errors and lock in freshness for a shelf-ready product.
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  • pw310ma_WP01_01


    La PW-310MA es una máquina compacta de envasado MAP por inyección de gas ideal para envasar carne, marisco, verduras y alimentos cocinados. El envasado MAP prolonga eficazmente la vida útil de los alimentos al tiempo que protege su frescura, sabor y aspecto originales.
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  • pw400_WP01_01


    La PW-400 es una envasadora totalmente automática de cartón y bandejas skin, que puede aplicarse a diversas industrias y productos, como carnicas,  marisco,  cuidado personal y  productos químicos de uso diario.
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  • pw5600ll_WP01_01


    PW-5600LL is versatile and efficient MAP/skin packaging machine with an integrated automatic weigh labeler offering 3 different sealing modes - MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packing), VSP (Vacuum Skin Packing) and Seal Only (Natural gas).
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