Japan Ramen Food Hall agiliza las ventas de las tiendas con el autoservicio en varios idiomas
TPV compacto y fácil de usar para impulsar su negocio hostelero
Por Campo Empresarial
Self Order and Payment Kiosk Solution
Boost kitchen efficiency, reduce customer waiting time
Delious - Solución para gestión de restaurante
Pleno apoyo para operaciones de comidas y bebidas, en ambos la casa matriz y in-situ
Sistema de Registro de Pedidos
Sistemas de pedidos inteligente, permite todo el personal que respire tranquilo
Estudios de Caso
Chewy Beret
IPT-2000, Delious PICO, DMC Cloud Backend Service
‘‘In the fast-paced F&B world, the cloud-based DIGI Management Console offers a convenient and cost-effective way to run multiple stores.’’ Mr Hirofumi Tsuda, General Manager, Beard Papa & Chewy Beret Operations
123 Mart
IPT-400, ESL and DMC
123 Mart embrace in-store automation with DIGI’s all-in-one solution
Fredo’s Baker
Delious WIZ PLUS and ESL
Fredo’s Baker is no stranger to DIGI’s hospitality solutions, as the bakery has been using the IPT-300 POS system before deciding to upgrade to the newer Delious WIZ PLUS.
Delious PICO – Kitchen Display System (KDS)
Reliable and established Hospitality products and solutions for expansion

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