

Weisys is a total management system to grasp when, where, what kind of and how much the garbage are generated in your place.  By having these information consolidated in the central PC for analysis, you will have full control of the situation to reduce the total volume of the garbage.

한국은 지원 안됨



고성능에 다양한「편안함」을 겸비한 논트레이 포장기입니다. 소비자에게의「편안함」: 트레이 대신에 CO2 배출량의 적은 종이 시트를 사용하는 친환경 포장기. 냉장고의 보관도 장소를 차지하지 않으며 쓰레기의 양도 줄일 수 있습니다. 작업자에게의「편안함」: 상품화의 작업 효율을 낮추지 않고 간단 조작・간단 작업. 포장이 끝난 상품의 라벨링 작업도 스무스합니다. 환경에의「편안함」: 라벨의 대지를 없애 라벨 사용량과 대지 쓰레기를 절감.

한국은 지원 안됨


HappySelf (G3)

DIGI's HappySelf multi-mode self-checkout register continues to evolve, and now features a new easy-to-read, easy-to-use vertical LCD screen. A variety of installation variations have been created to meet diverse store requirements. 
Self-checkout requires minimal staff without the need for direct interaction with shoppers and cashless payment means there is no handling of cash. So, this can contribute to preventing the spread of coronavirus infection by reducing crowding and contamination by touch. Another plus of the system is that it gives you the flexibility of easily changing between semi-self-checkout and full-self-checkout operation after the pandemic has subsided.
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