Retail Food Industry Logistics Hospitality Service & Cloud

Terms and Conditions

Before using this website, please read the following terms of use ("Terms") and only use the website if you agree to abide by these terms. Regardless of whether you agree with the Terms, by using this website you confirm that you accept the terms and that you agree to abide by them.

  • Website operation

    This website is operated by TERAOKA SEIKO CO., LTD. ("we" "us", "our" or "TERAOKA SEIKO" as required by context).

  • Scope of application of terms

    These Terms apply to use of Internet services ("The Services") provided through this website.

  • Changes to the Terms

    We reserve the right to change or remove any of the Terms at any time. Therefore, please review the terms each time you use the website to ensure your acceptance of the latest version. Changes to these Terms become effective at the time they are posted to this website. TERAOKA SEIKO shall not be liable for losses of any sort incurred by users of the website as a consequence of changes to the Terms.

  • Use of this website

    • By using this website, you agree that you will be responsible for all consequences arising out of its use.
    • We reserve the right to withdraw or amend The Services we provide through our website without notice. TERAOKA SEIKO shall not be liable for losses of any sort incurred by users of the website as a consequence of withdrawal or suspension of The Services.
    • Further, TERAOKA SEIKO shall not be liable for damage to hardware or software, loss of data or other damages incurred by users or third parties as a consequence of use of this website.
  • Disclaimer regarding information

    TERAOKA SEIKO has taken care to ensure that the information provided on this website is trustworthy and can be regarded by users as reliable. However, we make no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of text or other information provided through this website, its fitness for any particular purpose, whether the information is up-to-date, or as to the safety of the website itself (e.g., freedom for interruption of The Services, occurrence of errors, or infection by computer viruses or other malicious software), and we shall not accept liability for any errors in this website's content. Further, we shall not be liable of any damages incurred as a consequence of using information provided through this website, or as a consequence of inability to use such information.

  • Trademarks

    The rights to all trademarks, trade names, and emblems that are used in this website and which belong to TERAOKA SEIKO or its affiliated companies are protected by laws and treaties of and between various countries governing trademarks, unfair competition, and trade, and may not be used without the express permission of TERAOKA SEIKO or its affiliated companies. All other company and product names mentioned in this website are also the trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. None of these trademarks, trade names or symbols may be used without the permission of their owners.

  • Copyright

    • Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright to all content on this website is the property of TERAOKA SEIKO. This copyright is protected by the copyright law of Japan and by laws of or treaties with other countries, and except as provided by such laws or treaties, may not be used (including reproduction, modification, uploading, posting, transmission, distribution, licensing, sale, or publication) without the permission of TERAOKA SEIKO.
    • The software distributed through this site is copyrighted work that is the property of TERAOKA SEIKO or other entities. This software may only be used in accordance with the terms of use set forth by TERAOKA SEIKO or other copyright owners in accordance with the copyright law of Japan or the laws of or treaties with other countries.
  • Prohibitions

    Users of this site are prohibited from undertaking any of the following activities.

    • Activities that are or might be contrary to public order and morals.
    • Activities that would or could lead to criminal actions
    • Activities that infringe upon or might lead to infringement of property rights of TERAOKA SEIKO, its affiliated companies, or third parties
    • Activities that might adversely affect the good name or reputation of TERAOKA SEIKO, its affiliated companies, or third parties
    • Activities that would or could cause loss or disadvantage to TERAOKA SEIKO, its affiliated companies, or third parties
    • Activities that involve submission of false information, such as registration of other people's email addresses
    • Activities that are related to business or business profits
    • Activities involving the use or provision of any computer virus or other harmful or potentially harmful software
    • Any activity that is or might be prohibited by law
    • Any activity that violates these Terms, or which causes or might cause damage to TERAOKASEIKO, its affiliated companies, or third parties
    • Any other activity determined to be improper by TERAOKA SEIKO
  • Links

    • Links to this website are not permitted from any of the following:

      • Any website that provides information that may be offensive to public order and morals
      • Any website that slanders TERAOKASEIKO or its affiliated companies or their directors or employees, or which promotes or slanders the activities of any company or individual
      • Any site that slanders or misrepresents the products and/or services or TERAOKASEIKO or its affiliated companies
      • Links to the website from within a frameset or other links that obscure the fact that the content is part of this website
    • Users agree that they will delete any links that violate the above provisions, whether or not such deletion is requested by TERAOKA SEIKO.
    • Except for web sites of affiliates of TERAOKA SEIKO, responsibility for management of third-party web sites linking to this site lies with the third parties operating such web sites. The existence of such links does not indicate any relationship between TERAOKA SEIKO and the companies or entities operating such web sites, nor does it indicate any recommendation on the part of TERAOKA SEIKO of the content of such sites. Further, TERAOKA SEIKO shall not be responsible in any way for the content of third party linked web sites, or for any consequences arising out of use of such sites.
    • When using the web sites of TERAOKASEIKO affiliated companies linked to from this website, please follow the terms and conditions for use of those web sites.
  • Inappropriate use

    Any use of this website that is deemed by us to be violation of the Terms of use shall be deemed inappropriate, and use of this website by the user in question shall be terminated.

  • Information provided by users

    Excluding cases in which this website explicitly solicits submission of users' proprietary information or other information regarding technology, sales, or products, TERAOKA SEIKO does not accept submission of information from users. Further, except in cases in which a separate confidentiality agreement has been concluded, TERAOKA SEIKO will not be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any information submitted by users by any means.

  • Export restrictions

    Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with any legislative and/or regulatory restrictions in existence in their own country with regard to export of technology or software obtained through this website (for example, export to a foreign country or provision to a non-resident).

  • Termination of operation

    TERAOKA SEIKO reserves the right to terminate operation of this website at any time without prior notification to users. TERAOKA SEIKO shall not be liable for losses of any sort incurred by users of the website as a consequence of site closure or termination.

  • Applicable law and court of jurisdiction

    This website and these Terms are governed by the laws of Japan. In the event that any dispute arises with regard to these Terms or use of this website, resolution of such dispute will be by trial under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.