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소매업을 위한 POS

소매업을 위한 POS

  • webspeezasl-w-s_WP01_01

    WebSpeezaSL-S / WebSpeezaSL-W

    DIGI offers a choice of tower-style POS models to suit your store's needs. WebSpeezaSL-W is the standard dual-operator model, while WebSpeezaSL-S is for single-operator use.
    WebSpeezaSL-W supports DIGI's unique single-operator-3-customer operating mode. This allows a single operator to handle up to three customer transactions at the same time.
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  • QcashierJ-WP01


    DIGI는「스캐닝」과「지불」을 분리한다는 완전히 새로운 발상의 POS를 개발했습니다. WebSpeezaC는 계산원이 상품의「스캐닝」, 할인 처리 등을 합니다. QCashier는「지불」을 셀프화합니다. 지불 처리를 고객에게 맡기는 것으로 계산대의 생산성은 약160%(당사비)까지 큰폭으로 향상합니다.
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  • WEB-2801im-WP01


    The WEB-2800im is a compact POS terminal designed to enhance checkout operations during busy times.
    - Easy-to-see 15-inch touch screen 
    - Built-in thermal printer with a max. speed of 300mm/sec
    - High-contrast VFD graphic customer display
    - Waterproof keyboard 
    - MaxPos and MaxChain application systems support managing various information on a networking basis.

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  • WEB-2801-WP01


     WEB-2801 is a compact, all-in-one system to improve your checkout operations while minimizing manpower and equipment. A 12-inch touch screen and built-in thermal printer make your daily operations simple and easy. A high-contrast VFD graphic device has been adapted for the customer-side display.  MaxPos and MaxChain application systems make it easy to manage various information on a networking basis.
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  • WebSpeezaW / WebSpeezaS-WP01

    WebSpeezaW / WebSpeezaS

    점포의 상황에 따라 선택할 수 있는 타워 타입 모델입니다. 표준의 2인제 운용이 가능한 WebSpeezaW와 1인제의 WebSpeezaS를 라인 업. WebSpeeza 시리즈는「1인 3인제」를 실현. 1인제이면서 최대 3 회계까지 자유롭게 spool할 수 있습니다.
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  • happyselfg3_WP01_01

    HappySelf (G3)

    DIGI's HappySelf multi-mode self-checkout register continues to evolve, and now features a new easy-to-read, easy-to-use vertical LCD screen. A variety of installation variations have been created to meet diverse store requirements. 
    Self-checkout requires minimal staff without the need for direct interaction with shoppers and cashless payment means there is no handling of cash. So, this can contribute to preventing the spread of coronavirus infection by reducing crowding and contamination by touch. Another plus of the system is that it gives you the flexibility of easily changing between semi-self-checkout and full-self-checkout operation after the pandemic has subsided.
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