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Hygiene & Waste Management

Hygiene & Waste Management

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    The OZONE generators sterilize and deodorize by generating ozone (O3). Mixed with either water or air, ozone is useful in a wide variety of applications for removing mold and slime, maintaining the freshness of vegetables, and repelling pests and vermin. Ozone is very economical, since it is produced electrically from oxygen that is present in the air. Leaving no harmful residue, it is environmentally friendly, and provides a convenient means of improving sanitation.
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  • 環境Navi-WP01
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    Weisys is a total management system to grasp when, where, what kind of and how much the garbage are generated in your place.  By having these information consolidated in the central PC for analysis, you will have full control of the situation to reduce the total volume of the garbage.
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